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IR SIFER Gold Card for SIFER-U Sites, IR Provided Unique SIFER Encryption Key

Inner Range  |  SKU: IR-994612G
$10711 AUD


The Inner Range SIFER Gold is a card created by Inner Range with a unique encryption key. It is optional for installers and can be used in conjunction with the SIFER Card Programming Station (IR-994750AU) and Inner Range's SIFER-U cards (IR-994612), fobs (IR-994618) &;amp; RF remotes (IR-994622U &;amp; IR-994624U). The Gold card allows Installers to program SIFER-U credentials and make SIFER Reader Configuration cards to match the encryption key on the gold card.


  • Created by Inner Range with a unique SIFER encryption key.
  • Can be used with the SIFER Card Programmer (IR-994750AU).

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